Moving Forward, New York

The La Tourelle family is so impressed with the support from our local community, so proud of amazing team members stepping up to the challenge, and endlessly appreciative of each and every one of our guests and clients for choosing La Tourelle Hotel, Bistro, & Spa. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you for being apart of our family.

And on to the latest developments at La Tourelle:

It is with a heavy heart that we bid farewell to John Thomas Steakhouse. Our business partner of many years, Mike Kelly, has chosen not to re-open the doors to this beloved restaurant. We were honored to have such a wonderful steakhouse right outside our front door and we also look forward to the next chapter for our little farmhouse. John Thomas is selling much of their meat and wine inventory to the public, if you are interested please visit

We are both surprised and delighted with two successful weekends of re-opening at August Moon Spa. Our team has gone above and beyond to provide safety, relaxation, and peace of mind in this current setting through increased sanitation protocols, increased time between appointments, health screenings for staff and clients, HEPA air filters in treatment rooms, and of course...personal hygiene, masks, and face shields. It is in this light that we will be expanding the number of days and hours that we are offering begin July 10th. Don't forget to Request An Appointment if you are ready for a massage! And stay tuned to or email with any questions or concerns. 

And last but not least, The Bistro at La Tourelle. We are continuing to offer 50% capacity indoors, socially distanced outdoor dining on the terrace, room service, and to-go orders. Due to an increase in demand we have re-opened The Bistro 7 days a week! Monday through Friday we will serve breakfast 8am - 11am.  Saturday and Sunday we will serve brunch 8am - 12pm. We highly recommend making a reservation by calling us directly or visiting The Bistro page directly. 

As safe, be well, love your loved ones, and we look forward to seeing you again soon.